Mga Post

Ipinapakita ang mga post mula sa Setyembre, 2015

Her Troubles

17th September 2015 she didn't know what to do. she's confused and all yet she still manages a smile. she's dying inside yet she still acts as if there's nothing wrong. the pieces were broken yet she picks them up and tries to glue them together even if it hurts her. she fell in love. but she broke his heart. however, she remained in love. she was too immature that she tore him to pieces. but it was too late when she realized her mistake. she cried. she never cried for a guy before. it's only him. she keeps her feelings to herself. she doesn't show them to anyone else–even to her best friend. she wears a mask everyday and pretends that everything is okay.

Relationship Tip 101

This post is for youngsters who are new to the dating world–or whatever you want to call it. We were too busy copying our lesson on ICT when our teacher suddenly spoke. He said, "Marriage doesn't make you happy. You make your marriage happy." Well, we were sort of taken aback for marriage really has no connection with our topic. Just then, he started talking on things that a couple should do to keep their relationship stronger. I never really heard and taken down all of it but a few important ones remained on my mind. Here are those: • Love each other. • Trust each other. • Don't keep secrets from one another. • Forgive and forget. • Don't ever talk about breaking up. • If you have a fight or misunderstanding, don't let a day pass without resolving it. • Learn to lower your PRIDE. • Don't be the perfect one. Be the right one.