Deep Space Explorers

Commander Sarto stood on the bridge of his starship and watched the main viewing screen. As they approached the tiny planet, it grew on the screen. Sarto studied the oceans and land masses that appeared through the clouds. The planet reminded him of his home.

"Take us into orbit," he said to Jartan, his second in command. "Then see if you can listen to their communications."

Sarto thought of his mission to make contact with the beings that lived on the planet. He wondered what they were like.

He noticed the concern that had come to Jartan's face.

"What's the matter?" Sarto asked.

"There must be some mistake," said Jartan. "The transmissions I'm picking up indicate that these beings are quite violent. They're not ready to join the United Planets."

Sarto sighed. He had seen this happen before.

"Sometimes the first survey teams make errors in their evaluations," Sarto said. "Set course for the next planet. Make a note to visit Earth again in about a hundred years."

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