Fate's Play

She deciphered she ought not to

For it'll mess how things usually do

But her heart's too in love to care

That she just chose to stay there.

She fell in love with her best friend

Forefelt it'll be them 'til the end

She felt secured wrapped in his hug

Never will she leave even with a tug.

But fate seems to be playing at them

Trials and sufferings are at hem

Sacrifices are about to be made

And no one is to give them an aid.

The lovers will be on their own

Trust is what they have to hone

Only then can they be truly free

Of destiny's wrathful adversity.

She knew she has to have faith in him

And things won't be as hard as they seem

He knew he shouldn't let go of her hand

And together they will triumphantly land.

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