Impeccable Foundation

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world

Success is likened into a locked room where being educated is the only key to open it. But how can we get this key if there were too many challenges along the way? What will be our weapon against these hurdles?

Our tongue is like a bullet that hits right through the deepest part of our body.

English language is a strong combat to ignorance. It is like food – taste it and be satisfied.

The 21st century is an age of advancement. Modernization is a companion of our era. Technology is a powerful tool for man. With our fast growing society, we must hurry up and English language had been a ride through this journey.

However, hurrying up is not that easy. This breakthrough is technology is also accompanied by many challenges.

In schools, many students lack self-discipline. Institutions deal with naughty and rude youngsters every day. Some cheat. Some cut classes. Some disrespect the other students and even teachers – disrespectfulness that leads to bullying.

Another thing that leads to bullying is not being communicatively competent. I once asked my classmate why does she not recite and she told me, “I am afraid that our other classmates will laugh at me because I might commit wrong grammars.” Sadly, I realized that this is indeed a major cause of bullying.

Bullying is one of the most common problems encountered by students nowadays. It can be in the form of physical, verbal or cyber bullying. But with the Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, studies show that the number of cases of bullying has lessened. Although it is not yet eradicated, at least it had decreased.

Journalism in schools has also helped is making the youth communicatively competent.  It teaches us to speak fearlessly yet responsibly. It teaches us to voice out our opinions let the world know that we also have a say. After all, we are living in a democratic country. We have the freedom to express our thoughts and insights.

Our government had also been aiding in building globally competent youth through the K-12 curriculum. This new curriculum aims to educate and train the students to be more knowledgeable. It helps the youth acquire the necessary “21st century skills” to succeed and to align with the global standards.

Ladies and gentlemen, a perfect school is an institution where violence is not tolerated and where students are communicatively and globally competent.

Education is the key. English proficiency is the weapon. Success is the happily ever after.

Speak. Let your voice be heard.

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